Using Home Cookin with Windows 11

Home Cookin is ready for Windows 11!

Nov 10, 2021: Microsoft officially released Windows 11 on October 5th, 2021. So I thought I would give it a try and see how Home Cookin works with the new version.

The Good News: - Win11 is functionally very similar to Win10, and as such there are no issues running Home Cookin on Windows 11. The only visible difference is the rounded corners on the program window. Otherwise everything works the same on either version of Windows.

The Bad News: - Windows 11 has a number of cosmetic and functional changes that make it very difficult to use. The taskbar can't be moved, icons are always grouped and no longer allow labels, and the taskbar clock is very small. The Start menu doesn't allow pinned items to be grouped, and the small tiles cut off longer filenames. An unnecessary "recommended" section can't be removed or hidden. The file explorer menu is difficult to use, and lists default to double line spacing for touch screen users. Right click context menus require an extra click for "more options". Windows have rounded corners, and sliders have a skinny design with hidden scroll buttons that are tiny and hard to click on. There are a lot of little bugs throughout, and annoying quirks with the volume control and notifications screen.

I'm sure most of the shortcomings will be fixed in later updates, but at this time I would not recommend upgrading to Windows 11. However, Home Cookin is ready when you do decide to make the switch.

Windows 11 Desktop with Home Cookin Recipe Software