FAQ: Viewing recipes on the Kindle Fire

Export recipes to your Kindle Fire using FTP

Once you have organized your recipes in Home Cookin, you can easily export your favorites to your Kindle Fire for viewing on the go. You can also send your grocery shopping list to the Kindle Fire.

Home Cookin Recipe on the Kindle Fire
  1. Make sure you have a wireless connection (WiFi) to your computer.
  2. Install these two free apps on your Kindle Fire (other similar apps work well also):

    Wifi Transport for Kindle Fire Wifi Transport. To transfer files from your computer to your Kindle Fire.

    File Manager for Kindle Fire File Manager. To view your files once they are on your Kindle Fire.
  3. Open the WiFi Transport app on your Kindle Fire. The FTP server should start automatically.
  4. On the Home Cookin index screen, check the boxes next to the recipes you want to send to your Kindle Fire. (Press Control+A to select all recipes in the current chapter.)
  5. Click the Export button then select Export to your tablet from the popup menu.
  6. Select the MOBI - Best for Kindle Fire format and click OK.
  7. Enter a title for the eBook, and click OK.
  8. Enter the FTP host and port as displayed at the top of the WiFi Transport app on your Kindle Fire. Set the directory name to Documents, and leave the remaining fields blank.

    FTP Setup for Kindle Fire
  9. Click OK. The file should upload to your Kindle Fire and display a success message when finished.
  10. Close the WiFi app on your Kindle Fire, then open the File Manager app.
  11. Open the Documents folder and you should see the Recipes.mobi file.
  12. Open the Recipes.mobi file to view your recipes like any other eBook.
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