Newsletter Page Home Page Mountain Software News - Mar 18, 2024

Home Cookin 9.90 Released

If you purchased Home Cookin within the last year you may upgrade at no charge. Otherwise you will need to renew your registration if you want to upgrade. Visit for upgrade instructions.

Please Note: Windows may display an unknown file warning when you try to install. This is normal until enough users install the program to build a safe reputation. You can safely download Home Cookin and bypass the warning message to install it on your computer.

Retirement Year One

Our first year of retirement has really gone by quickly. We celebrated with a lot of activities and traveling during the first several months, but have mostly stayed around home over the winter. My wife is doing a couple of events with family this summer, but otherwise we don't really have any upcoming travel plans. We have quite a few projects we need to tend to at home that will likely consume our time and budget this year. I'm still hoping we can find some time to get away somewhere, but we'll have to wait and see.

Our biggest surprise in retirement is just how busy we always seem to be. Running errands, taking care of our aging mother's, fixing things around the house, going to doctor appointments, etc. With so much going on, we often wonder how we ever had time to work. :) Somehow we pictured a slower paced retirement, with lots of time to work on hobbies, or just relax. But that hasn't been the case. I am still doing my best to answer emails and provide customer support, but finding time for program development is proving more difficult than I envisioned.

It also seems like everything we own is failing all at once. In just the last two months our well pump failed, we replaced our water heater, had to repair our microwave and dishwasher, got new tires and a catalytic converter for my car, and much more. While I had planned for these types of expenses, I did not expect them all to occur in the first year of retirement. :) Still, even with the vacations and repairs, we are spending less than I had originally planned, so that has been a pleasant surprise.

I can't believe how fast the first year flew by, but we are enjoying it.

Until next time, take care everyone!

Anthony Watson
Mountain Software